
Welcome to the official site of IOE MSc Forum,   association of the students pursuing Master degree from IOE, pulchowk campus. We are much focused on research-based issues & the quality of study materials available.

We ask all our members to get involved in research-based activities and also come with proposals from their program, if they want the forum to conduct any program that would be beneficial to mass.

We are always ready to help, collaborate and carry out activities in our favor.





We have several research centers in the central Campus, pulchowk; that are the backbones of our research. We actively collaborate with them so that we can help our members with the research activities.


They are:

  • Center for Applied Research and Development (http://ioe.edu.np/research/centers/center-for-applied-research-and-development/)

  • Centre for Disaster Studies (http://ioe.edu.np/research/centers/centre-for-disaster-studies/)

  • Center for Energy Studies (http://ioe.edu.np/research/centers/center-for-energy-studies/)

  • Center for Infrastructure Development Studies (http://ioe.edu.np/research/centers/cids/)

  • Centre for Urban Planning Studies  (http://ioe.edu.np/research/centers/cups/)

  • Centre of Pollution Studies  (http://ioe.edu.np/research/centers/cps/)

  • Laboratory for ICT Research and Development (http://ioe.edu.np/research/centers/lict/)



The three candidates from all the three panels who have given their candidacy for the post of member of central committee who will be there for the event are: Er Roshan Bhattarai from progressive Panel. Er Sagar Shrestha from Democratic Panel. Er Ganesh ram Dhonju from Engineers’ Society Nepal Panel.

Call For Membership

To All the Master’s level Education Pursuing Students. We are issuing membership cards to all the students’ currently pursuing master’s degree in pulchowk campus with the unique student code that keeps the record of students that will be used as Alumni code later on. We request all the first year students to make the card …


IOE MSc Forum

Facebook page:      https://www.facebook.com/ioemscforum/

Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/180448172487440/

Email Address: ioemscforum@gmail.com

Contact: +977 9842931839